+----------------------------------+ | GTCounter 1.1 by Wladimir Palant | | http://www.gtchat.de/ | +----------------------------------+ This package contains the following files: counter.pl - the program counter_xxx.html - templates readme.txt - english instructions (this file) liesmich.txt - german instructions Data/.htaccess - protection of the data Data/count.txt - visitor's count Data/log.txt - last seen IP addresses This program shows the overall count of visitors of the site as well as the count of users online at the moment. Different templates can be used for output. Installation: ============= Adjust the templates to your site, {ONLINE} will be replaced by the users online count and {COUNT} by the overall visitors count. Three templates are included (you can create more): - counter.html: To be used in a frameset - counter_ssi.html: To be used with SSI - counter_inv.html: "invisible" counter, without output You can set up IP addresses to be ignored with the parameter @ignore in counter.pl. Maybe you should add your own IP to this list. If the operating system of your server is Windows 95/98/ME, you should deactivate flock() with the corresponding parameter in counter.pl as this function is not implemented. Copy all the files into your cgi-bin directory. Set with your FTP client the execution permissions for counter.pl (CHMOD 755) and write permissions for count.txt and log.txt (CHMOD 666). If you want to have the data or the templates in any other directory, change the parameters $templ_dir and $data_dir in counter.pl. Adding the counter to your page: ================================ When calling counter.pl without parameters, the template counter.html is used. Otherwise the parameter determines the template name, for example for counter.pl?param the template counter_param.html is used. This gives you the possibility to use different templates when using the counter on more than one page. - Adding the counter to a frameset: Add a frame for the counter to your frameset, for example: Alternatively you can use